豬大骨高湯 Pork Stock

材料 Ingredients
豬大骨 Big pork bone 2 磅 lb (900g)
薑片 Ginger slice 3 片 slice
青蔥 Scallion 2 根 stalk
米酒 Rice wine3 大匙 Tbs
水 Water 16 杯 cup


2.燒開 1/2鍋的水。將豬骨放進滾水內燙5分鐘,水要蓋過豬骨。倒掉熱水﹐撈出豬骨用冷水沖洗乾淨。

1.Use the flat side of a meat pounder to pound each bone vigorously. Cut off the fat out of the bones.
2.Boil a half full pot of water. Place in the bones and cook for 5 minutes – the water must cover the bones. Take out the bones and discard the water. Wash the bones roughly.
3. Place the bones back into the pot and add 16 cups of water. Bring the stock to a boil. Skim off the foam at the surface of the stock.
4.Add the scallion, ginger and rice wine. When the stock is boiling again, turn the heat to low. Cover and cook for 1-1/2 hour.
5. Store the stock in a fridge overnight. Skim off the solid fat on top of the soup.
6.Discard the bones. Filter and bottle the soup. Store it in a fridge. If you don't use the stock in the near future, store them in an ice cube box in the freezer.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/01/2015
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